Two trees in book

Two trees in book

"The kerwa has come and the kerwa is here" and "the landlady is round, I hope the landlord stays healthy for a long time", the little local boys and girls sang as they paraded through the village with their tree. The tree was pulled by mayor heinrich sub, who had cut down the two kerwas trees that existed this year in his forest and donated them to the kerwas boys.

With the energetic help of moms, dads and grandpas, the tree of the little local boys was brought upright after a break. The pause was not foreseen, but was strongly demanded by the junior staff. Finally, it was time to go into the forest before lunch. "I’m hungry and I’m going to order something to eat", moritz said and marched into the kitchen of the sub inn. His mama anja arnold and cake chef lieb set up two trays of bratwurst sandwiches, and only after an extensive break did they start setting them up.

A little later, the local boys and girls from buch arrived with the rough tree – and they had to really get to grips with it to get it upright. But with a lot of pressure and a strengthening in between, the tree stood straight as a die after just under an hour and announced the kerwa at the entrance to the town in front of the sub inn.