No company wants the job

The current high level of capacity utilization in the construction industry is also leaving its mark on the community of segnitz. "It’s the same old story, you can’t get any more companies," mayor marlene bauer informed the council that no bids had been received for the tender for work on the mainstrabe entrance to the village.

In consultation with the office for rural development (ALE), it proposed to postpone this measure and to put it out to tender together with the rehabilitation of the local thoroughfare. "With the prices, they don’t give us any hope that it will be more favorable for us, but we reckon with better chances to get a company at all," explained bauer.

Due to the postponement, the rehabilitation of the local thoroughfare should no longer begin in the second half of this year, but as soon as possible in the spring of next year. One advantage would be that the construction site would not remain over the winter. The work on the entrance to the village was to be completed in 2020. The council unanimously agreed. For the redesign of the mainland, builder april announced that construction would start soon.

Other municipalities had already agreed, but in the segnitz council the recommendation of the mayor’s committee to increase the subsidy to the kitzingen animal shelter from 20 to 70 cents per inhabitant did not find a majority. With the approximately 900 inhabitants this had meant a mehrauand of 450 euro per year. "We should not be so rude everywhere, there are already enough others in the pocket," found bischoff and proposed 50 cents as a compromise. The council agreed on this with five votes to two.

"Disappointed that so few people were interested," bauer said of the response to an event held in march at the community center to recruit volunteers for the segnitz fire department. Of the 280 or so segnitz residents contacted, only 20 expressed interest. Ten of them were recruited for the army.

The segnice council approved the association of hobby gardeners and nature lovers for the 30th anniversary of the attack. April the may festival below the parking lot on the main. The municipality, on the other hand, could not help the association to find a place for its equipment. 12 to 15 square meters were needed. Bauer appealed: "if someone else wants to hokern a hall, he should please think of the community".