Eight years of construction work: this is how the rail expansion is changing the city of bamberg

Eight years of construction work: this is how the rail expansion is changing the city of bamberg

Eight years of dredging, drilling and concreting along the railroad in bamberg when the railroad begins its new route through bamberg. Six subways, two road bridges have to be rebuilt, many buildings demolished.

What the centennial project means for bamberg, what risks it entails and, despite all the traffic jams and roadblocks, what opportunities it offers, is what we want to shed light on in a new series. The city council already has to decide what the buildings in bamberg should look like.

We are starting with the railroad underpass memmeldorfer strabe – bamberg’s roughest pinhole. 18,000 motor vehicles pass through these narrow pipes every day, including 391 trucks and 72 buses.

The expansion of the railroad offers the chance to widen the underpass, a 100-year-old traffic dinosaur, by more than four meters and also to add a few centimeters to its height.

But the reconstruction, as it appears at the moment, is controversial: which disadvantages the elimination of the bottleneck has and why the ramp inclination causes problems, you can read here in the premium section of infranken.